Tuesday, December 31, 2019

32 Inspirational Career Quotes, Mantras and Sayings - The Muse

32 Inspirational Career Quotes, Mantras and Sayings - The Muse32 Inspirational Career Quotes, Mantras and SayingsMany career experts and industry leaders have written about the benefits of writing aspirations on Post-it notes and keeping inspirational quotes close to your workspace. So you can only imagine the awesomeness that occurs when you combine the two ideas and write motivational career mantras on Post-its- its enough to keep you going no matter what your workday throws at you.We know that its hard (and time-consuming) to find the career mantra that perfectly describes where you are at your job or career right now. So to help you out, we compiled 32 mantras you can scribble on a sticky note thatll keep you motivated no matter what.Another huge positiv All 32 of these mantras are under 140 characters, so (hint, hint) you can spread the wisdom on Twitter, tooIf Youre Looking for MotivationFeel like youve been staring at your computer screen for hours and now your eyes are glazin g over? These quotes will give you that little extra push to finish your day strong.Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.Julie AndrewsDont watch the clock do what it does. Keep going. Sam LevensonYou simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Put blinders on and plow right ahead. George LucasMotivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. Dwight D. EisenhowerWhat lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. Ralph Waldo EmersonIf Youre Looking to Be a Better LeaderLets be real here Managing people is hard. Really hard. The next time you find yourself dealing with a particularly challenging employee, one of these mantras can remind you whats important.Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne FrankThere are two ways of spreading light to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith WhartonThe secret of life is honesty and fair d ealing. If you can fake that, youve got it made.Groucho MarxGood leaders need a positive agenda, not just an agenda of dealing with crisis.Michael PorterAppreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.Margaret CousinsIf Youre Going Through a Rough Time at WorkYoure bound to hit a rough patch at work sometimes, whether its because of a difficult upcoming deadline or a boss whos making you miserable. These quotes will help you through.You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. Albert EinsteinEither I will find a way, or I will make one.Phillip SidneyDo not wait to strike til the iron is hot but make it hot by striking.William Butler YeatsPerfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. Vince LombardiKeep your face always toward the sunshine- and shadows will fall behind you.Walt WhitmanIf Youre Dealing With Unpleasant PeopleDemanding clients , evil bosses, rude co-workers, oh my Keep your cool no matter what people throw your way.When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. Dale CarnegieKnowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.Carl JungDo not forget small kindnesses and do not remember small faults. Chinese ProverbWe are far mora liable to catch the vices than the virtues of our associates. Denis DiderotIf Youre Looking for DirectionIts okay to feel a little aimless every so often over the course of your career. Luckily, it doesnt take much to get back on track and re-focus.If opportunity doesnt knock, build a door.Milton BerleDont let the fear of striking out hold you back.Babe RuthFollow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.Joseph CampbellIt is never too late to be what you might have been.George EliotThe more you do stuff, the better you get at dealing with how you still fail at it a lot of the time.John MulaneyIf You Just Want Something UpliftingLooking for an inspiring quote just because? You dont need a reason to want to feel uplifted and enlightened. No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.Robin WilliamsThe glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money. Thomas JeffersonHappiness is not something you postpone for the future it is something you design for the present. Jim RohnThe only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. Arthur C. ClarkeIf we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas A. EdisonBonus From Our ReadersI sent a couple of tweets out asking readers of The Daily Muse for their favorite career quotes and mantras, and heres what they had to say.You are the entrepreneur of your career, even if you are employed by others.ElisaSDavisGive voice to the voiceless. GabrielJRDont be late. Dont be late. Dont be late.ShanejB ernardWhat are some of your favorite career mantras? Let me know on TwitterPhoto of sticky notes courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Pressure Vessels and Piping MasterClasses to be Offered in Chicago

Pressure Vessels and Piping MasterClasses to be Offered in Chicago Pressure Vessels and Piping MasterClasses to be Offered in Chicago Pressure Vessels and Piping MasterClasses to be Offered in ChicagoASME Training Development will hold a special MasterClass Series training event next month in conjunction with ASME B31 Code Week in Chicago. The three advanced-level courses comprising the event, which will focus on issues related to pressure vessels and piping technology, will be offered from Sept. 13-17 at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel. The deadline to receive an early registration discount of $200 is July 31, so be sure to visit the registration page on ASME.org and sign up today. Led by industry experts and ASME codes and standards leaders, ASME MasterClass Series courses are practical training sessions for experienced professionals that emphasize learning through the discussion of real world case studies and practical applications. MasterClasses emphasize interactive co llaboration and knowledge-sharing, and participants are encouraged to actively contribute to the discussion and share their first-hand experiences with other members of the class.The first course, Application of Piping Flexibility Analysis to ASME B31 Codes, will be held on Sept. 13 and 14. The course, which will provide a comprehensive review of the history and bases for the rules for piping plan, will be presented by Jim E. Meyer, principal/lead engineer at Louis Perry Associates Inc. and chair of the ASME B31 Pressure Piping Committee. At the conclusion of the course, attendees will be able to define the analytical basis of piping design rules contained in either the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code or ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code evaluate the significance of the modeling assumptions and how they affect the final design apply the step-by-step design logic for reviewing stress analysis outputs and determine how to locate and resolve problems and interpret the signific ance of the calculated stresses and the importance of stress categories.A second MasterClass, Impact Testing and Toughness Requirements for Pressure Vessels per ASME Section VIII, Divisions 12, will be offered Sept. 14 and 15. John Swezy Jr., founder of Boiler Code Tech LLC and member of the ASME Standards Committee, will be the instructor for the course, which will offer attendees an in-depth review of the rules and application of the ASME Section VIII, Divisions 1 2 code rules for toughness requirements associated with a pressure vessel design. Using case studies to illustrate the proper application of the code rules to specific design situations for various vessel types and materials of construction, the course will provide participants with a better understanding of how the rules work together in real-world applications.The third course, Bases and Application of Heat Exchanger Mechanical Design Rules in Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, will be presented on Sept. 16 and 17. Gabriel Aurioles, technology director for Aspen Technology and chair of the ASME Subgroup on Heat Transfer Equipment, will teach the class, which will offer thorough insight into the history and bases for the mandatory rules for the mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchangers supplied with the ASME Mark. During the class, participants will study detailed example problems that demonstrate how the rules are to be applied and how various options can influence the final design.Attendees will receive 1.5 continuing education hours (CEUs) or 15 professional development hours (PDHs) for each MasterClass they complete. For more information on the three MasterClasses in Chicago, or to register, visit www.asme.org/products/courses/asme-program-mc1016. To download a brochure, visit go.asme.org/MCsept2015. To learn more about the ASME MasterClass Series, visit go.asme.org/masterclass.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

5 Tips for Putting Flexible Work Experience on Your Resume

5 Tips for Putting Flexible Work Experience on Your Resume5 Tips for Putting Flexible Work Experience on Your ResumeConstructing a well-written, consistent, and easy-to-read resume is a challenge in and of itself for any prospective job seeker. However, once you factor in the inconsistencies in freelance, flexible, contract, or temporary assignments, the task at hand may seem impossible. How can those of us who have spent years in non-traditional job roles convey, in one to two pages, that we are reliable employees? Showing flexible work experience on your resume may helpBelow are five tips designed to help you better portray your flexible work experience on your resume.Design a well-constructed titelseite letter.Regardless of if youre highlighting your temporary, freelance, or contract employment history, outlining your experience in detail in your cover letter will be of great benefit to you in your job search. Employers will want to know why you freelanced for five years opposed t o seeking full-time work.You have a good reason for seeking out flexible work, whether it be financial reasons, family commitments, or entrepreneurial side projects, so be sure inform your potential future employer of this. Some employers appreciate self-starting professionals, while others become weary of those who havent maintained a permanent position. A detailed cover letter will only further outline your goals and aspirations for future work and put to rest any hesitations from the hiring manager.Dont skip temporary assignments.If you have worked through a temporary employment agency in the past and want to feature that work history, its best to list each role separately with the name of the company, the position title, and your start and end date, rather than listing the agency as your employer. The objective here is to remove yourself from the stigma of working as a temporary employee, and instead highlight your experience as moving through various roles throughout your profe ssional career.Include all freelance work.If you are seeking out freelance work, consider featuring past freelance assignments first on your resume, followed by your permanent professional positions. Freelancers are elendoriously self-starters, independent, and creative workers, so if you feel that these skills would be of benefit to your job search, why not highlight them at the top of your resume. If you currently, or in the past, have worked with multiple clients, create a business name for yourself and list all of your freelance experience under that name to create merit for yourself.Listing the different types of projects and any notable clients will show that you gained valuable, flexible work experience, and will recognize your freelance experience as a time when you were successfully self-employed.Show your consulting experience.If you have repeatedly worked with the same company but have never been brought on board as a full-time member of the team, then you can list this w ork as consulting experience on your resume. List your full-time period, from the first short-term contract you held to the last, and outline the tasks and projects completed for each employment period.Address gaps in your employment history.Its best to avoid any long periods of unemployment on your resume, as well as overlaps between roles. This is to give your future employer a well-laid out, organized, and a clear idea of your professional work history. However, there are appropriate employment lapses that can be highlighted on your resume, such as taking time off to start a family or traveling. Its better to be upfront and honest about these gaps and explain in more detail your decisions to take a break from the professional world in your cover letter. While some employers may not understand the importance of travel, there is no employer who will understand lying on your resume.Readers, how have you portrayed flexible work experience on your resume? Share your tips below

Monday, December 16, 2019

Its Time to Say Goodbye to Work Stress and Live

Its Time to Say Goodbye to Work Stress and LiveIts Time to Say Goodbye to Work Stress and LiveIts Time to Say Goodbye to Work Stress and LiveBy Jenny C. Evans, author of THE RESILIENCY rEVOLUTION Yur Stress Solution For Life 60 Seconds at a Time(Wise Ink Creative Publishing)Its quite likely this year held some challenging moments for you professionally, personally or both. Its also possible the tools you used to cope actually made things worse, not better.Perhaps you found yourself staying up late or waking up early to get work done. In an attempt to create time in a hectic schedule, you might have skipped meals or workouts. There were long stretches of time where you had to sit motionless and maintain concentration in a meeting, at your desk, on an airplane or in a car.Its time to say goodbye to workplace stressfor good.The key to dealing with your stress successfully, having better energy, and becoming more productivewill hinge on looking at stress in a new and different way. Its n ot something thats just in your headits in your body.Stress is a physical event that radically changes your chemistry and physiology. Understanding these changes helps prevent and mitigate its negative side effects.Here are some of our typical responses to stress, why they make things worse, and what to do instead.1. You sacrifice sleep to get things done.Its tempting to trade sleep for extra hours of productivity, but lack of sleep arouses the area of our brains responsible for the fight or flight response. It also inhibits portions of the brain relating to restoring balance and calm. (McEwen, B. 2002) Sleep deprivation also increases hunger and body fat levels, specifically around the bodys mid-section.Not only can this abdominal fat be psychologically stressful, it also increases our risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and even premature death. (Epstien, L. 2008.) And unfortunately these disease states make our stress even worse.Resiliency Remedy Keep to a regular sleep cyc le and aim to get between 7-9 hours each night. We can get by on less, but sleep is one of the best tools we have for the body to recover from stress.2. You skip meals because youre too busy to eat.When we skip meals or go too long without eating, blood glucose (a form of sugar the body uses for energy from many of the foods we eat) drops. When theres not enough glucose, the body thinks a famine is occurring, the stress response is stimulated and the body secretes cortisol.Cortisol puts us into food seeking mode to get much needed energy into the body, and makes us eat large amounts of high-fat, high-sugar foods. It stores much of this extra energy in the fat cells around our abdominal regions for the next glucose emergency.Resiliency Remedy Keeping blood glucose levels in the ideal range stops the stress response from being stimulated. Minimize stress by eating about every 3 hours.Alternate between moderate sized meals (breakfast is a must) and small snacks high in fiber, healthy f ats and/or lean protein.3. You skip your workout because you dont have time.When the demands of our lives increase, we look for things to cut to reduce our levels of stress. Exercise is often the first to go. Unfortunately this is one of the worst coping strategies we can make.Stress hormones are specifically designed to fuel a short burst of intense physical activity fighting and/or fleeing.When we get this schriftart of activity, it burns them off and releases a new class of hormones that restore balance and neutralize the negative consequences of stress. When we dont get this type of exercise, were stuck stewing in our stress hormones.Resiliency Remedy The good news is just 30-60 seconds of intense exercise produces the hormones that restore balance. (Brooks, S. et al 1988, Schwarz, L. et al 1990, Schwarz, L. et al 1992)Sprint up a flight of stairs, or do a few jumping jacks or burpees. Shorts bursts hit the physiological reset button on stress and make a big difference when acc umulated throughout the day. They also train the body to recover from stress more quickly and efficiently.4. You sit for long periods of time.Sitting is the new smoking. It increases risk of death, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose and body fat. (Stamatakis, E., et al, 2011) Think a workout negates it? It doesnt.Sitting for most of the day cancels out the effects of an exercise session. (Matthews, CE. et al, 2012) Also, tension builds the longer we sit while energy and metabolism slow.Resiliency Remedy Several times during the day take a minute or two to move your body.Set your laptop on a cardboard box to stand and type, do some stretching to release muscular tension and stress, on the phone = on your feet, or conduct walking meetings when in small groups.Full citations are available on request.Author BioJenny C. Evans is the author ofTHE RESILIENCY rEVOLUTION Your Stress Solution For Life 60 Seconds at a Time(Wise Ink Creative Publishing). She is also founder and CEO of P owerHouse Performance, where she works with thousands of C-suite executives, leaders, and employees worldwide to help them improve their resilience, performance and productivity, while enhancing their health.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Communicate More Clearly With Your Boss - The Muse

How to Communicate More Clearly With Your Boss - The MuseHow to Communicate More Clearly With Your Boss The perfect boss is a mind reader. They know how youre feeling and what youre thinking at any given time, and so they adjust how they treat you and what they assign you accordingly.Youd probably agree with that statement, right?But the reality is that managers dont have this superpower- no one does. However, communicating more clearly- the real-life fix to not working with mind readers- is something you can do in your office.This is what we call managing up. And if that term scares you or seems impossible in your situation, weve discovered the best method to try it out.In a recent article, Quartz writer Khe Hy talks about how his boss vague communication stressed him out on a daily basis. So, he decided to take matters into his own hands- with one simple emailEvery Friday afternoon, Id send my boss a short email with three categories The work I had completed that week What I was working on, including any deadlines that may have shifted or obstacles Id encountered What I was waiting on- that is, tasks that Id completed, but require sign-off from my boss or contributions from someone elseRather than wait for his manager to guess what he needed from them, he proactively put all that information in front of them so they could easily get back to him with a response, sign-off, or edit. It also ensured his boss was well aware of where he stood in meeting deadlines.But most importantly, this short email inadvertently tells his boss how hes getting along mentally and emotionally- for example, if he communicates the same obstacles every week, it opens the door for a deeper discussion about shifting strategies or extending deadlines thatll relieve some of that stress.The real kicker? Writing it up only takes Hy 15 minutes (and probably takes his manager less time to read). Sending this kind of message may seem redundant, but its a great way to keep your boss up-to-spe ed on what youre working on so that they can manage you effectively- and encourages them to be open with you on what theyre working on, too. Even better, highlighting your accomplishments is the first step toward proving youre worthy of a raise or promotion down the road.Even if an email isnt the right strategy for your gruppe, one thing you can take away from this is the importance of communicating with the people you work with. So often our frustrations stem from assuming someone knows something they dont- which is why it never hurts to reach out to a team member when you could use a hand (rather than hope theyll notice youre struggling and offer to help out), or update them if youre running behind (so they know when to expect a final product), or simply ask if communicating differently (such as emailing weekly progress reports rather than meeting every Monday) might be more effective.If you make communicating (like really communicating) a part of your routine, youll find that hop ing your co-workers become mind readers wont be so high on your wish list.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Getting the Best Strong Resume Verbs

Getting the Best Strong Resume Verbs Strong Resume Verbs Features Nothing dilutes the effect of action verbs than being surrounded by a number of other action verbs Be certain to be thoughtful once you use action verbs. If you dont get a good reason to enlarge your variety, the below success verbs can cover most bullets it is possible to consider. Its fine to leave in a couple of the previous verbs.A great deal of well-meaning individuals will suggest you ought to use action verbs. The dot at the start of the very first sentence isnt a mistake. Select the template that most serves your purpose, and has every one of the sections youd love to put in your scholarship resume. Consider putting different verbs in the area of break. Employing action verbs and active voice makes a big difference in your resume, therefore its well worth the excess effort. Its difficult to find the one which you desire. Employers may wish to know that youre qualified to serve as an SPL in their regio n. Utilizing action verbs in resume writing is as simple as any other kind of writing, so long as you know what things to include and what things to look for. Not only do you have to use action verbs in your resume, but you also must pick the ones that fit your industry and make an impact. Action verbs show your capability to succeed. The Importance of Strong Resume Verbs Hiring managers want people who may increase the bottom line. Its intended to provide the applicants a elendion of the work theyll do. Some folks may believe that fancy is better, but in the event of a thriving executive resume, easy and professional is the best way to go. Take a good look at your former job titles. Possessing a superb attention getter for an essay paper is completely crucial because, normally, individuals will provide you with the initial 2 sentences to come. Regardless of what you do, dont tell it to the individual reading your resume. Use the resume words below to demonstrate that with a tiny zest. Highlight your capability to write a joyful birthday sign flawlessly. Furthermore, the majority of people struggle to acquire in the hiring managers head. A lot of people dont like to read essays as they arent engaging. Contents Often when they are constructing their resume, the biggest thing on their mind is simply whether or not theyre able to fit all of their skills and work experience onto the page. You might not think of yourself as vain, however, researchers have discovered that vanity is just one of the chief driving forces that lead to obtain decisions. Resumes are not any different in that respect. Hiring managers want to scan your resume and discover the information that they need in record time in order that they are able to move on to the next resume. They want people who are capable and educated in the profession they are seeking to fill. As a consequence, youll also be communicating your mastery of various essential skills After all, frustration comes out of the inability to address a problem. To put it differently, the proper emotional trigger words take the exact same standard message to all new heights. Naturally, whats relevant is based on the position youre applying for, so feel free to maintain a master resume where you document all your various positions and projects. If youre a recent graduate, you may not have a good deal of skilled experience. Attempt to use this sort of language to demonstrate you have behauptung important skills. If and when someone prints the document, you wish to make certain there arent any technical challenges. Administration occupations like administrative office assistants and secretaries are vital to the business world. Following that, it must impress the hiring manager with information which is relevant to them. As you might be aware, job hunting demands soft skills as well as technical skills you are going to learn in class. Take into consideration your employment history.

Monday, December 2, 2019

We Heard from Checkrs Tech Leaders in San Francisco

We Heard from Checkrs Tech Leaders in San Francisco On June 11th, PowerToFly was thrilled to partner with Checkr, the platform that makes it easy for thousands of customers to hire millions of people every year using Checkrs advanced background check technology, on ur second event together. Hosted by PowerToFly CoFounder Katharine Zaleski, the evening featured two in-depth tech talks along with plenty of time for networking and audience questions but not before Checkrs CoFounder and CTO Jonathan Perichon warmly welcomed our guests with a brief keynote address. The evenings first tech was hosted by Checkrs Melissa Lau and Ben Jacobson and centered around API and communication We have found some limitations in only using JSON-based RESTful APIs to communicate between services. Moving to gRPC has allowed us to better document interfaces and enforce stronger boundaries between services. In this session we will share the lessons we have learned while incorporating gRPC into our applicatio n, walkthrough setting up a new rails project with gRPC support, and how we plan to expand our usage of gRPC in the future.The nights second tech talk was from guest speakers Faye Cheng and Katrina Lee from ThoughtWorks and focused on SAML and SSO Ever wonder what mechanics lie behind Single Sign-On (SSO)? How you can log into an application once, and find yourself automatically logged in when you access another? Here at Checkr, the Identity team is enabling SAML integrations with our partners to achieve just that. SAML is a standard protocol used by web browsers to enable SSO through the use of secure tokens. Well discuss how SAML allows for a geldschrank exchange of authentication and authorization data between parties, and how browsers can trust and protect your identity information across applications.After our two tech talks wrapped up, guests had plenty of more time to network with members of the Checkr team and each other over refreshments. Checkr is making waves with their i nnovative hiring process Theyre a platform that makes it easy for thousands of customers to hire millions of people every year. Today, only five years after Checkr started, the company is running one million background checks per month for more than 10,000 customers, allowing them to create a more efficient hiring process. Their impressive list of clients include Lyft, Grubhub and Zillow.Checkr is hiring Their amazing benefits include flexible paid time off, meaningful equity, catered lunches, hands-on coaching and professional development, 12 weeks of paid family leave, and wellness gym membership reimbursements. Related Articles Around the Web Checkr, Inc. One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made signi ficant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation /h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the wertmiger zuwachs of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of th e construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Const ruction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Petroleum Division to Convene Energy Policy Event in Houston f...

Petroleum Division to Convene Energy Policy Event in Houston f... Petroleum Division to Convene Energy Policy Event in Houston f... Petroleum Division to Convene Energy Policy Event in Houston for Early Career EngineersFeb. 10, 2017 Phil GrossweilerThe ASME Petroleum Division will hold a special discussion and networking event for early career engineers next week in Houston, Texas, featuring two ASME members who have offered their engineering expertise to help shape U.S. energy policy through the ASME Federal Government Fellowship Program. The meeting, Public Policy and the Energy Sector, will take distributions-mix Thursday, Feb. 16, from 600 p.m. to 900 p.m. at the Dogwood-Midtown lounge.This unique public policy event will provide attendees with an overview of the ASME Washington Office and its activities, as well as highlight the accomplishments of ASME Congressional Fellows who work in the energy sector.One of the evenings guest speakers, former ASME Congressional Fel low Phil Grossweiler, served as a 2007 ASME Federal Fellow in the office of Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM). In this position, he advised Rep. Wilson on energy, science, natural resources and climate change issues and co-authored energy legislation later introduced by Rep. John Boehner (R-OH). Grossweiler began his career as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, which included engineering duties on ships stationed in the North Atlantic, Greenland and Russian Arctic regions. He later worked for 25 years at Exxon, where he was assigned to Exxons production companies in the United States and Norway, as well as Exxons Upstream Research and Upstream Development companies. Grossweiler currently serves as principal consultant at MH Energy Services in Houston. Nol BakhtianThe events second guest speaker, Nol Bakhtian, Ph.D., is an energy advisor on issues related to energy, water and food. Dr. Bakhtian recently finished her term as the 2016 ASME Foundation Swanson Fellow, serving in the environment and energy division of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Her experience also includes overseeing coordination and strategy efforts as the inaugural Energy-Water Nexus lead for the Department of Energy, acting as technical advisor in the DOEs Wind and Water Power Technologies Office, preparing energy legislation in the U.S. Senate, and consulting on energy RD and investment for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).The program will also feature an overview of ASMEs Government Relations department by Melissa Carl, manager of public affairs for ASME at the ASME Washington Center. A member of the Washington Center staff for more than 15 years, Carls duties include supporting the ASME Industry Advisory Board and managing public-policy-related STEM workforce and bioengineering issues.Registration for the early career event in Houston is $10, which includes complimentary food and beverages. To sign up to attend the discuss ion, contact Javanni Kiezer, ASME Conferences and Events, (281) 810-5452 or by e-mail at kiezerjasme.org.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Be Well-Liked and Popular at Work - The Muse

How to Be Well-Liked and Popular at Work - The MuseHow to Be Well-Liked and Popular at WorkIf youre looking for advice on how to deal with a terrible co-worker- one whos arrogant, nosy, rude, or otherbeiwise awful to work with- theres plenty of advice out there for you (just look here, here, and here). But how do you make sure that annoying co-worker isnt you? That youre not the one making your gruppemates work harder, butting into everyones business, and, in general, annoying your team in every way possible?Its easy Simply become everyones favorite co-worker instead.If you can follow these basic tips, youll wont only keep your name off the worst co-worker ever list- youll earn yourself a spot among the absolute favorites.1. Do What You Say Youre Going to DoNothing will endear you to your co-workers quicker than establishing a reputation of follow-through. By doing what you say youre going to do- whether that means completing an assignment ahead of the deadline, emailing the client y ou said you would, or creating the report you promised to generate- your team will quickly learn they can count on you and that you value helping the entire team succeed.(And as a bonus, theyll likely be more willing to put forth the effort to help you out, too.)2. Give Positive Feedback- and Not Just When You Want SomethingEveryone likes to hear theyre doing a good job. Too often, however, employees leave it up to the boss to dole out that praise to their teammates- or only use it as a complimentary precursor to a request (e.g., Hey, you did a great job on that PowerPoint. By the way, can you cover my client meeting this afternoon?).Instead, be generous with your positive feedback. Let a teammate know you enjoyed the blog she wrote, or comment that a co-workers presentation was engaging and upbeat. Dont lay it on so thick that your team questions the authenticity of your sentiments- simply be genuine. When you recognize a job well done, follow these tips and speak up3. Treat Others Time Like Your OwnWhen youre on a tight deadline, you want to be able to work without interruption. And at the end of the workday, youd like to be able to leave the office at a decent hour without getting pulled into a last-minute request. In short, you want others to respect your time- so in turn, you should respect theirs.That means completing your portion of the assignment with ample time for your co-worker to do his or hers, showing up for meetings on time, limiting the urgent requests to true emergencies, and responding to emails and messages within a reasonable time frame. Your teammates will immediately recognize- and appreciate- that you dont take them and their time for granted.4. Dont Add to the StressEmail is at the center of almost every job these days, and simply getting through the massive influx of messages each day is stressful enough. So, your co-workers certainly wont appreciate it if youre flooding their inboxes with emails that are so vague or rambling that they require a string of follow-ups to figure out what, exactly, youre trying to say. To make sure your emails are concise and provide appropriate context for the message, brush up on these 23 unwritten email rules.5. Own Up to Your MistakesNo one wants to get in trouble at work, but theres something much more admirable about someone who can gracefully admit to his or her mistakes than someone who continually tries to pass the buck. It may seem counterintuitive, but by stepping up and saying, That was my fault, and Im going to fix it, rather than, It wouldnt have been an issue if Robert did his job, youll gain the respect of your team- especially if you follow through and do fix it (and then figure out how to avoid that mistake in the future). 6. Know When to Back OffChatting with your co-workers is a normal part of office life. Who doesnt like to spend Monday morning chatting about what everyone did over the weekend? Actually, the answer is not everyone. If you want to stay in your co- workers good graces, learn to be observant enough to notice when a colleague wants to get down to work, rather than grit his or her teeth through your next rambling story about what happened at happy hour last night. Is your co-worker nodding silently while reaching for her earbuds? Turning his body back to his computer and away from you? Responding with a tight-lipped Mmmhmm? Take the cue and save your stories for another time or colleague. 7. Get InvolvedOf course, knowing when to hold back the chatter doesnt mean you cant be involved in the lives of your co-workers. In fact, you absolutely should. You dont have to be best friends with everyone on your team, but you can build some of the strongest bonds by developing personal relationships with your teammates. So go out to an occasional lunch with them, meet them for happy hour, or accept their follow request and interact with them on Twitter. Share a little bit of your personal life, and ask questions about your co-workers lives. Demonstrating that you care about your teammates beyond their ability to set up an Excel formula will earn you friends and loyalty.In the end, it comes down to common sense. Be respectful, hard-working, and fun to be around, and youll easily earn favorite status among your team. And if all else fails, bring donuts. Everyone loves the co-worker who brings donuts. Photo of happy co-workers courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

When to Use a Resume Template

When to Use a Resume TemplateWhen to Use a Resume TemplateThe cookie-cutter approach is handy to create an initial resume draft, but beware hiring professionals can spot a cut-and-paste resume job a mile away.Ready-made resumes You can get them free from Google Docs and theyre included in major word processors such as Microsoft Word and Apple Pages. You cant argue with the free part. So why would anybody spend three figures on a professional resume makeover?Predictably enough, professional resume writers have a bevy of reasons why job seekers should avoid the cookie-cutter approach of a resume template, and one resume template vendor who spoke to Ladders even agreed with their rationale. But on analysis, its easy to see that both resume templates and the professional resume writers individualized attention are both crucial tools in a job seekers arsenal. First, the reasons why you shouldnt rely solely on a resume templateTemplates shout, I took a shortcutExecutive recruiters and hiri ng managers are all too familiar with the look of resume templates and resume-template services, said Barbara Safani, the owner of Career Solvers a New York career-management firm. They are easy to spot by hiring managers, and it is pretty easy to figure out you took a shortcut, she said. Thats notlage exactly the image you want to convey to hiring managers. The last place you want to look like everyone else, she said, is in a job search where youre trying to stand out from the crowd.Templates are easy to spot because many use outdated formats, styles and hackneyed and clichd phrases that convey personal attributes without proving impact, Safani said.Theyre also readily identifiable because so many people use them. Google, for example, has many different resume templates. But if youre a hiring professional who looks at resumes frequently, youll quickly begin to see that many submitted resumes have the saatkorn format, with the same positioning of content, the same graphical embellis hments and the same fonts.For example, two career management professionals interviewed for this article pointed to the same Microsoft Word template that displays the persons personenname in large type, then switches to a tiny, barely legible 8-point type size for the contact information.The persons name will be 36 or 72 points, and their phone number will be microscopically small, which is stupid because most people in human resources (HR) are 40 years old or older and wont be able to read it without glasses, said Shel Horowitz, the author of books on do-it-yourself marketing.People were using it because it was a template Microsoft had, Safani said of the same example. It was obviously a template because you received 40 resumes that looked the same. Even if youre only somebody who filled a job once every 10 years, they could still tell the person was using a template if 40 resumes looked the same.It says that job seeker isnt creative enough to present their information in a compelli ng way, said Safani. Its not a good strategy in a situation where youre trying to make yourself look different than everybody else.The difficulty of selling yourselfBeyond portraying job seekers as unimaginative and lazy, relying on resume templates also deprives job seekers of the objective view of a professional trained to hone in on their strengths. Horowitz said fewer than 5 percent of the resumes she sees properly highlight the subjects strengths.Its like having a professional do your taxes, she said they have the expertise to know what to look for. An expert will see very quickly, ?Oh, this thing you briefly mention here Lets talk about that That could be big, that could get you the job, she said. Or, ?This other thing youre giving weight to is not doing you a favor. Or, ?This language is not believable with your job title. Those are issues Ive seen with self-written resumes.When to use a templateSusan Ireland is a resume writer and author of The Complete Idiots Guide to the Perfect Resume. She also sells resume templates online starting at $24.95 at Ready-Made Resumes. In spite of that, Ireland highly recommends using the services of a professional resume writer.Distilling everything you know about yourself into a single document can be overwhelming, she said.If youre working with someone whos objective who can ask probing questions, the distilling, the finding of the essence, is the task of the resume writer, she said.So why would anybody use a resume template? First and foremost, Ireland said, the formatting has already been done. If you dont want to start with a leer page, which is overwhelming, and you want to start with something that you go in and replace with your own wording, thats one load off your shoulders, she said.And after all, how bad can templates be, given that professional resume writers themselves use them? I can assure you that professional resume writers are using resume-writing templates, Ireland said. Theyre not starting with a b lank sheet of paper every time.Professional resume writers, however, are experts at using Microsoft Word to add touches here and there, whether its lines or shadings or whatever, she said. Professional resume writers are sharing their tools with job seekers so they can use the resume templates, where indenting is already done, or where there might be bold formatting.Ireland compares templates not to cheating but instead to using a tool, just like youd use your computer.Professional resume writers recommend job seekers use templates as a tool to set up an initial resume that they can then share with a certified professional resume writer who can apply his objective expertise.